

I'm with you till the end of the line.

就算你是对的吧,我们就把它当成时空的悖论吧。毕竟我们的尸体从未被找到过。这说明我救了Bucky然后我们隐藏起来,伪装自己,获取了新的身份,重新开始生活,我们的余生不再被记录在历史书里。如果必要的话我们将会一直流浪。我不介意,不足挂齿。——Captain America: Man Out of Time #3

转载来源:by SilasSamle

Baby Problem 2.

If They found Steve and Bucky babies come from the parallel world...
I think Tony and Natasha and Thor and Clint should said: "They are yourself, take care of them..."

Steve and Bucky are babysit and themself's babysit.......terrible world/problem.


  • Baby Problem 1.应该是:这个

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